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A prime minister must get the big calls right. On the cost of living crisis, Truss got it badly wrong | Gaby Hinsliff

She takes office with a screeching handbrake turn on her flagship policy – how can anybody ever trust her judgment now?

It should have been Liz Truss’s moment of triumph, her chance to bask in the glory of a whooping crowd.

Yet victory, when it came, felt curiously flat. Gone was the bouncy, confident, shoot-from-the-hip Truss who emerged over two long months of hustings, after an initially wobbly start. When Britain’s new prime minister rose to the lectern to embrace a narrower win over Rishi Sunak than expected – narrow enough to make you wonder if he could even have won, had he played it differently – the old, slightly flat, stilted speaking manner was back. In Truss, that’s a sure sign of nerves. Perhaps only now does she feel the weight of what lies ahead.

Gaby Hinsliff is a Guardian columnist

Guardian Newsroom: What does Liz Truss’s leadership mean for the UK? Join our panel including Hugh Muir, Jessica Elgot, Owen Jones and Salma Shah as they react to the announcement of the new PM in this livestreamed event. On Tuesday 6 September 8pm BST | 9pm CEST | 12pm PDT | 3pm EDT. Book tickets here

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