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UK Covid live: Hancock makes statement on restructuring NHS as health service fights pandemic

Health secretary lays out sweeping proposals for restructure; professor says Kent variant will ‘sweep the world’

  • Health secretary goes cool on prospect of summer holidays for Britons
  • Hancock announces shake-up giving ministers more power over NHS
  • AstraZeneca says vaccine against new variants may take six months
  • 40% of staff at biggest UK care home firm have not had vaccine
  • Coronavirus – latest global updates

Here is the 75-page NHS reform white paper (pdf), which has just been published. It is called: “Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all.”

And here is the news release explaining the reforms from the Department of Health and Social Care.

New polling shows support for Scottish independence dropping back, though still ahead of that for remaining in the UK, whilst revealing that the majority of SNP voters back Nicola Sturgeon’s stance on transgender law reform.

The Yes vote dropped from 57% to 53% in the latest poll from Savanta ComRes for The Scotsman, excluding don’t knows.

The ‘Yes’ lead narrows but Scots would still vote for Independence if #indyref2 were tomorrow.

Yes 47% (-4)
No 42% (+4)
Undecided 10% (-)

w/o Undecided

Yes 53% (-4)
No 47% (+4)

4-9 Feb

(changes from 8-13 Jan)@TheScotsman pic.twitter.com/q9nBditMCt

The Scottish Conservatives also move back into second place in the list vote.

List VI:

SNP 43% (-1)
Conservative 21% (+5)
Labour 18% (-)
Green 10% (-1)
LD 6% (-2)
Other 2% (-1)

4-9 Feb

(changes from 8-13 Jan)@TheScotsman pic.twitter.com/XacF2yJnPo

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